Oke.... balik deh ke cerita aslinya, jadi sebelum aku nulis arti2 singkatan bahasa inggris ini aku main DD Tank 2 (bukan promosi) , saat bermain aku sempet bingung karena ada yang ngomong TTYL, setelah dia ketik TTYL dan dienter.. glek glek aku bingung( tapi bingungnya ga sampai panik) dan setelah aku googling ternyata artinya talk to you later :D, duh kyk kudeta deh rasanya hehe..
ok.. biar kagak kudet kudet amat mendingan kita langsung aja bahas :D
ASAP = as soon as possible = secepatnya
LOL = laughing on loud = ketawa ngakak
ROFL = rolling on the floor = ngakak guling-guling
BRB = Be Right Back
BBIIAF = Be back in a flash
LOL: Laugh Out Loud ( denger2 katanya artinya Lord Of Lucius )
LMAO: Laugh My Ass Off / Laugh My Fucking Ass Off
NP: No Problem atau biasanya Now Playing
BRB: Be Right Back
LMAO: Laugh My Ass Off / Laugh My Fucking Ass Off
NP: No Problem atau biasanya Now Playing
BRB: Be Right Back
BBL : Be Back Later
THX: Thanks
TY: Thank You
AMK: Away From Keyboard / Away From The Keyboard
TTYL: Talk To You Later
FYI: For Your Information
WTF: What The Fuck
WTH: What The Hell
BITCH: Babe In Total Control Honey
PIMP: Peeing In My Pants.
LOL= Little Old Lady
LMAO = Love My Arthritis Ointment
ROFL = Retirement Opportunity, Fort Lauderdale
AFK = Anyone Feeling Kinky
TY = Thank You
THX = Thanks
NP= Nightime Poop
OMG = Oh My,Gas
WTF =Wag the Finger
TTYL= Time To Your Laxitives
THX: Thanks
TY: Thank You
AMK: Away From Keyboard / Away From The Keyboard
TTYL: Talk To You Later
FYI: For Your Information
WTF: What The Fuck
WTH: What The Hell
BITCH: Babe In Total Control Honey
PIMP: Peeing In My Pants.
LOL= Little Old Lady
LMAO = Love My Arthritis Ointment
ROFL = Retirement Opportunity, Fort Lauderdale
AFK = Anyone Feeling Kinky
TY = Thank You
THX = Thanks
NP= Nightime Poop
OMG = Oh My,Gas
WTF =Wag the Finger
TTYL= Time To Your Laxitives
ASAP = as soon as possible = secepatnya
LOL = laughing on loud = ketawa ngakak
ROFL = rolling on the floor = ngakak guling-guling
A/S/L? = Age/Sex/Location?
BRB = Be Right Back
BBL = Be back later
BBIIAF = Be back in a flash
BTW = By The Way
CUL = See You Later
F2F = Face To Face
FYA = For Your Amusement
FYI = For Your Information
HHOK = Ha..ha.. Only
TNX = Thank's
OIC = Oh, I see
IMHO = In My Humble Opinion
IMO = In My Opinion
OTOH = On The Other Hand
LOL = Laughing Out Loud (tertawa terbahak bahak)
OTF = On The Floor
ROTFL = Rolling On The Floor
YMMSVH = You Make Me So Very
NP = No Problem
RE = Hi again
J/K = Just Kidding
WB = Welcome back
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Insert blockquote: <b rel="quote">Put text here</b>
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