1. Stressing week
One week ago, I was dizzy to think and do my KTI, I must submit paper about "Kwargi" to a competition name HMJ PLS UNESA, I was so ambitious and thought that I'll go to final because this competition is lower than the one (JDS Fest 6 UNEJ) that won number 3, and what I got? Oh I don't even go to final. I was so... stressed out. Can you even imagine, you expect big and work hard but you get nothing?
With very hopeless I submit the other title KTI about Brantas River to BSD VIII Competition UNEJ, since I once submitted it to Gresik University and even don't get into final. But something make me go on and forcing me to trying it once more. So the announcement of the is 14th, while 13-15 I was KTS(which is no connection). At first, I was so-oo-oo clueless, but eh, in KTS I enjoy it very much but I don't even know what I got dizzy into. After KTS on school, while I'm waiting to get picked up by my parent, I checked IG and still not thinking about competition. And... I scroll.. scrolled up.
Final: 7. Amira Rachmatillah. Sman 1 Malang.
Wohooo! I cannot hide my expression, I'm so gladful because know that my work hard isn't useless!
Well, still today(10/19/2017) I'm dizzy because tomorrow I'll go to... Jember.. again ^_^, no not because of that... I'm something like... uneasy because this is the first time that I'm not consultation my PPT to teacher, thou I think tomorrow I will consult it with PPL teacher. Well wish me luck!
2. H e a r t b r o k e n
This is the most heartbroken-post ever. So today was the laziest day, first I got SP (something like detention paper because I late 5 times), and... something unecpectabble.
I always mumbling to myself,
What if he already have a girlfriend or something like that?
What if this girl is his gf?And today I got the answer.
So on the last subject, one by one my friend fall down... So I accompanied my friend, Iga to find sign so my friend can rest in UKS. While I'm on UKS there's Ms. X(I something like once met her, but I don't sure her name), Mr. PPL and BK; and seeing my 2 friends sleep on the same bed(due to the bed is out), Vivaldi was walking right behind me! No... no... no... that's not the climax. So Ms. X suddenly shot out,
Bebeb bebebAt that time too, Vivaldi said the same words too
Bebeb bebebOnce a time, I was something like my heart fall down. Blew my mind.
OMG so this is her girlfriend. and I was something like reflect to touch Ms. doctor (I thought that I touch Iga), and she thought that I shocked by looking 2 of my friends that sleep in the same bed.
Weird. Me. Weird.
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